Message from the Chairperson

In the recent years, the demand for natural gas in India has increased significantly considering its higher availability, distribution, infrastructure, relatively lower prices as compared to alternate fuels and the environment friendly characteristics of natural gas as a fuel. Moreover, natural gas remains the fuel of choice and a promising energy source because of its low emission of particulate matter, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and cleaner burning. However, the per capita consumption of natural gas in India is only around 29 standard cubic metre (SCM) vis-à-vis the world average of 363 SCM which means that India has a huge potential for gas consumption.

Considering the overall benefits of natural gas as an alternative fuel, the Government of India under the auspices of Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, aims at making India a gas-based economy by increasing the share of gas in the country's primary energy basket from about 6% to 15% by 2030. To fulfil this goal and the vision to make clean and affordable fuel available to the people and industries, the Government has been actively encouraging use of natural gas with various policy directives and regulatory changes.

As rightly said by Wangari Muta Maathai, a renowned environmental activist, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for her contribution to “sustainable development, democracy and peace” and the founder of the “Green Belt Movement” in Kenya - “The generation that destroys the environment is not the generation that pays the price. That is the problem.”

We, at VGL, strongly endorse the idea of clean and green energy while catering to our domestic, commercial, industrial and automobile customers. VGL intends to make this green and clean fuel available to maximum beneficiaries within Vadodara GA as a contribution towards sustainable development and environment protection.

On a positive note, the world as well as India is slowly but surely transitioning towards a sustainable future. Hence, every small step taken in this direction will make a huge difference for our future generations.

Lastly, but not the least, we at VGL remain fully committed to the welfare of the people of Vadodara.