PNG Other Charges

Sr. No. Request Type Description Document Required at the time of payment. Rate ( Exclusive of Taxes ) Payable amount with GST
1 METER TESTING FEE (DOMESTIC) Non refundable Meter Testing charges. Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice 500 590
2 METER TESTING FEE (COMMERCIAL) Non refundable Meter Testing charges. Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice 1500 1770
3 PANELTY FOR ILLEGAL CONNECTION In case of any illegal uses of Gas line Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and newly charged bill as per commercial rate along with Fine charges  15000 (Inclusive of Tax ) 15000
4 R.T.I. Fee In case Any Information required under RTI Act   20 ( Inclusive of Tax ) 20
5 SALE OF DOMESTIC METER WITH FITTINGS & ACCESSIORIES Meter Purchase Fees Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice 1263 1490
6 NAME TRANSFER FEE FOR VARSAI (DOMESTIC)  Non refundable Challan charges    500 590
7 Name Transfer Fee for Varsai (Commercial)  Non refundable Challan charges    2000 2360
8 Name Transfer Fee for purchase (Domestic)  Non refundable Challan charges    700 826
9 Name Transfer Fee for purchase (Commercial)  Non refundable Challan charges    2000 2360
10 NAME TRANSFER FORM FEE  Non refundable Challan charges  Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice 84.75 100
11 Safe Custody (Domestic) per 1 Year In case of not using Connection for the particular time period Connection will be under security i.e 1 year 2 year ,3 year Maximum 5 years. Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card)and Meter Photo with Reading, Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 600 708
12 Safe Custody (Commercial) per 1 Year In case of not using Connection for the particular time period Connection will be under security i.e 1 year 2 year ,3 year Maximum 5 years Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card)and Meter Photo with Reading, Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 3000 3540
13 REFITTING OF GAS LINE (COMMERCIAL) In case of Dismental (Rennovation or New construction ) after finishing work Refitting Gas Line Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card) Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 6236 7358
14 VOLUNTARY DISMANTLE CHARGES WITH END CAP BUNGALOW In case of Temporarily disconnect Gas Line Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card)and Meter Photo with Reading, Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 1200 1416
15 VOLUNTARY DISMANTLE CHARGES WITH END CAP APARTMENT In case of Temporarily disconnect Gas Line Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card)and Meter Photo with Reading, Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 800 944
16 PERMANENT DISCONNECTION CHARGES WITH END CAP - BUNGALOW In Case of Permanent Disconnect Gas Line Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card)and Meter Photo with Reading, Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 1200 1416
17 PERMANENT DISCONNECTION CHARGES  - APARTMENT In Case of Permanent Disconnect Gas Line Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card)and Meter Photo with Reading, Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 800 944
18 VOLUNTARY DISMANTLE CHARGES (COMMERCIAL) In case of Temporarily disconnect Gas Line Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card)and Meter Photo with Reading, Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 2500 2950
19 RECONNECTION FEE (DOMESTIC) In case of connection under Safe Custody and Reconnection Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card) Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 350 413
20 RECONNECTION FEE (COMMERCIAL) In case of connection under Safe Custody and Reconnection Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card) Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 500 590
21 PERMANENT DISCONNECTION (COMMERCIAL) In Case of Permanent Disconnect Gas Line Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card)and Meter Photo with Reading, Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 2500 2950
22 Reconnection for D.D.C.(Domestic) In Case of Defaulter Disconnect charges Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card) Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 500 590
23 REFITING OF GAS LINE (DOMESTIC) In case of Dismental (Rennovation or New construction ) after finishing work Refitting Gas Line etc Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card) Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 2618 3089
24 Reconnection for D.D.C.(Commercial) In case of connection under Safe Custody and Reconnection Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card) Along with relevent form , filled and Duly signed by Ledger clerk at Dandia Bazar 1500 1770
25 NOC Fee No Objection Certificate for No Dues Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice 200 236
26 BALL VALVE HALF INCH PER PIECE In case GAS valve needs to be changed. Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice 250 295
27 GAS TAP PER NUMBERS In case GAS tape needs to be changed. Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice 250 295
28 Deposit Dakhala ( Copy) Fee In Case of Consumer wants to know details of deposit.   50 59
29 Add.Point Disconnection Fee In Case of Consumer want extra point for Add Point and In case of Disconnection fee for Consumer paid point fee but Not Using  Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice 300 354
30 RECHECKING OF ESTIMATE If any customer found that, estimate charges added in the job card or bill and he/ she is not satisfied with the report, then customer can pay the said amount and request for rechecking for Estimate amount. Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice 100 118
31 DOMESTIC - LEDGER COPY OF PAST RECORD In case customer required old ledger data. Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card) 100 118
32 COMMERCIAL - LEDGER COPY OF PAST RECORD In case customer required old ledger data. Xerox copy of Bi Monthly Invoice and Id proof of Connection holder (Prefer - Adhar card) 250 295

* Prices change without any notice and service tax extra.